Greek in Paratext

In Greek we learned how to read and write the Greek letters, but also about English grammar, conjugation, declension and functions of different parts of speech. It was very interesting to understand how to refer to the Greek text in Paratext, and how to find the meaning of the Greek Read more…

A taste of the Holy Land

Even though I was translating the Bible, I was doing it without knowing the details of the Bible, such as its history, its purpose and the original recipients of the books of the Bible.  This DBT training has helped us to know the reality, importance and responsibility we have in Read more…

Skype training works for us!

Everyone involved – students and lecturer – testify that training by skype works well. Previously, a week or two was taken out of the team’s work schedule and at least the lecturer had to travel and be away from home. This involved board and lodging and travel logistics, etc., which requires Read more…

Training via Skype

I taught two students Hebrew via skype. It was quite a challenge. I found it hard to respond to the students because I did not see their faces via Skype. It however forced me to ask better questions to find out if they understand well. Another challenge was that it was Read more…

Literary Studies

“Literary Studies helped us to understand that there are differenet literary features in the Bible. It also helped us to look into the different literary features of our own language.” – Anonymous, SE Asia 2013